Fiałkowski, Marek2023-06-272023-06-272011Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2011, T. 3 (58), s. 379-393.2081-1829 translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.The Catholic school and the Catholic university are important milieus of formation of lay Catholics. The article shows specific elements defining them, and it distinguishes them from other academic-educational centers. Both these institutions realize one of the basic elements of the Church’s mission, that is the education of man, leading him to a full maturity by the subsequent stages in his life and development. Forming young people’s minds and hearts, aiding them in winning wisdom and in using the riches of cultures, forming sensibility to good and beauty in them, and supporting them in getting professional competences is the most important task of schools and universities.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland katolików świeckichśrodowiska formacjiszkołyszkoły katolickieuniwersytety katolickienauczycielewychowawcyuniwersytetyformacjakatolicy świeccykatolicyświeccylaicyosoby świeckielaikatformation of lay Catholicsmilieus of formationschoolsCatholic schoolsuniversitiesCatholic universitiesteacherseducatorsformationlay CatholicsCatholicslaypeoplelaicslaityKatolickie szkoły i uniwersytety ośrodkami formacji katolików świeckichCatholic Schools and Universities as The Centers of Formation of Lay CatholicsArticle