Jeżyna, Krzysztof2023-07-192023-07-192001Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 3, s. 91-112.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.The call for new evangelisation is an expression of the Church’s revival and its mission in the world. The Church again realised the necessity to continue the evangelical mission, but it also faces the signs of time that are a manifestation of the quickly occurring changes in civilisation and culture. One of the negative results of cultural changes is a tendency to separate faith and moral life. Not only human weakness but also the effect of intellectual trends that want to justify separating faith and morality are the source for this situation. The task of the evangelisation is to restore the unity of faith and moral life. The personalistic conception of faith that involves the whole man is also an all-life attitude and this is why it requires a constant dialogue with God in shaping Christian life. The attitude of being a witness that in extreme situations may lead to martyrdom reflects completeness of the accepted and experienced faith. Witnessing is an important factor on the way to sainthood and it has not only a personalising value but one sanctifying others as well. The call for new evangelisation was issued to the Church because of the separation of faith and morality, but also with the hope that overcoming this separation will contribute to a revival of the Church at the threshold of the third millennium.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandść wiary i życia moralnegojednośćwiarażycie moralnemoralnośćetykaewangelizacjanowa ewangelizacjaznak czasuintegralna koncepcja wiaryświadectwomęczeństwounity of faith and moral lifeunityfaithmoral lifemoralityethicsevangelizationnew evangelizationintegral conception of faithtestimonymartyrdomsign of the timesJedność wiary i życia moralnego w perspektywie nowej ewangelizacjiUnity of Faith and Moral Life in the Perspective of the New EvangelisationArticle