Zwilnian-Grabowski, Tadeusz2022-08-012022-08-012008Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2008, nr 2, s. 7-21.1731-0555 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Mirosława Landowska.Missionary journeys of St. Paul of Tarsus are described in the book of the Holy Apostolic by Luke, who was travelling from the other to his companion. The history of St. Paul begins with the tragic moment: from stoning the deacon Stephen and approved with the consent of Paul (then Saul yet), by conversion at the gates of Damascus and ends the journey, as a prisoner from Jerusalem to Rome. Here we arrive at the Acts of the Apostles. Apostle of Nations after obtaining freedom in 63 year, takes the missionary work, is likely to visit Spain, then Ephesus and Crete. In 67 year was arrested in Rome, where, in the same year he bears the death of a martyr.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandł apostołDzBibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy TestamentSzawełJerozolimaDamaszekRzymEfezCezareanawróceniepodróżSergiusz PawełDobra NowinaewangelizacjaepikureizmstoicyzmfilozofiaJezus ChrystusOstatnia WieczerzaEucharystiajourneyBibleNew TestamentevangelizationepicureanismstoicismEucharistJesus ChristLast Supperphilosophyconversionmissionary journeysmissionsPodróże misyjne Świętego PawłaMissionary journeys of St. PaulArticle