Wolak, Zbigniew2023-07-262023-07-262004Analecta Cracoviensia, 2004, T. 36, s. 67-88.0209-0864http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/9545Every human being is looking for a sense of his or her life. Very often people ask philosophers for advise. There are also different sciences which try to help people with that problem, especially psychology. Fr. J. M. Bocheński, well known Polish philosopher and logician, says the problem of the sense of life belongs not to philosophy but to the personal world view and philosophy of life. However we can use philosophical, analytical methods to consider meanings and consequences of what we believe sense of life is. I this article I discuss his thesis from the point of view of logic, psychology and classical philosophy. I think the interdisciplinary approach to this problem is very important and fruitful.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/Józef Maria Bocheńskizakonnicydominikaniefilozofiasens życiafilozofia analitycznaprywatnośćmetafizykaprawdaprawda metafizycznasenscelecel życiawartościwartości religijnecarpe diemszczęściehawelizmbezsensowność życiabezcelowość życiaBibliaPismo ŚwięteStary TestamentKsięga KoheletaKoh 1-2friarsDominican friarsphilosophymeaning of lifeanalytical philosophyprivacymetaphysicstruthmetaphysical truthmeaningpurposespurpose of lifevaluesreligious valueshappinesshavelismvanitasmeaninglessness of lifepurposelessness of lifeBibleOld TestamentBook of KoheletSens życia według Józefa Marii Bocheńskiego OPSense of Life According to Józef M. Bocheński O.P.Article