Kulpaczyński, Stanisław2023-06-282023-06-282011Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2011, T. 3 (58), s. 279-306.2081-1829http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/8739Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.With reference to General Catechetical Directory (14, 30, 32) currents of studies from 1970 to 2010 are shown. The current of empirical studies of catechetics at the CUL was begun by Professor Stefan Kunowski. Next, Rev. Mieczysław Majewski studied the following issues: realization of catechetical revival of the Vatican Council II; acceptance of moral-religious values by young people; the level of religious knowledge in the catechized young people with mild mental disability; young people’s views of catechesis; conflicts in young people; the sense of meaning of life; catechesis in various milieus. Rev. Stanisław Kulpaczyński’s currents of research, on the other hand, are the following: catechesis in young people’s awareness; conflicts in young people and attempts to overcome them at catechesis; educational aspects of friendship, comradeship and love; catechetic formation in the catechists’ awareness; the parents’ cooperation in catechization; catechization preparing for marriage; catechetic notebooks; young people’s personal models; young people’s Eucharistic attitudes; drawing in catechesis; assessing at catechesis; the image of the catechist in young people’s opinion; conscience in young people’s awareness; the prayer of the catechized ones; catechetical methods in the catechists’ opinion; the meaning of life; religious-moral values in pupils with mild mental disability; angelology and demonology; knowledge of Jesus Christ; reception of religious symbols by pupils; the sacrament of penance and reconciliation in young people’s opinion; young people’s attitude towards their coevals’ alcoholism; drug addiction in the catechized ones’ awareness. Master’s and doctoral dissertations as well as books and articles are the effect of many studies. Among the 209 masters and 61 doctors Rev. M. Majewski has promoted 15% wrote dissertations based on empirical studies, among the 330 masters and 57 doctors Rev. S. Kulpaczyński has promoted – 51%, and in the case of Sister H. Wrońska – empirical studies were the basis for 44 master and 1 doctoral dissertations. These studies should be appreciated and continued.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/badania empirycznekatechetykapromotorzy pracwynikiDyrektorium ogólne o katechizacjidokumenty Kościołametodologia badań katechetycznychKościółwspólnotaKatolicki Uniwersytet Lubelskikatechezakatechizacjakatecheciprace naukoweprace dyplomoweempirical studiescatecheticspromoters of dissertationsresultsmethodology of catechetical researchChurchcommunityCatholic University of Lublincatechesiscatechizationcatechistsresearch papersdissertationsNurty badań empirycznych kulowskiej katechetyki (1970-2010)Currents of Empirical Studies of Catechetics at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (1970-2010)Article