Kaim, Andrzej2023-07-252023-07-252002Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001-2002, T. 48-49, z. 7, s. 149-163.1233-1457http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/9473Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The new millennium, the new age and the new epoch – this is the time of reflection on the perspectives for Christian ecumenia. Experiences that we have gained directly from the relationship inside the family of Christian Churches, and from the spiritual dialogue with the Great Religions of the world (dialogue of life) are natural allies here. The dialogue between Christians, Judaism, and Islam occupies a significant place here. In medieval Europe a question was asked: what are for you the three religions – three “sisters” or three usurpers of the Revelation? This question unveils valuable layers of the primeval and common sensitivity, the layers which enrich ecumenical sensitivity and teach a new way of thinking. The interreligious dialogue started in Poland points out how we can, by means of the contemporary language, devoid of confessional closeness and with great success, bring from Abraham’s storeroom of religious wisdom “both the new and the old” (Mt 13:52).plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/dialogdialog ekumenicznydialog międzyreligijnyekumeniaekonomiateologiaekumenizmteologia ekumenicznarelacja ekumenia-ekonomiareligie pnia Abrahamowegoteologia judeochrześcijańskajudaizmchrześcijaństworeligiatrzecie tysiąclecieKościoły chrześcijańskiedialogueecumenical dialogueeconomicstheologyecumenismecumenical theologyecumenism-economics relationshipreligions of Abraham’s originJudeo-Christian theologyJudaismChristianityreligionthird millenniumChristian churchesinterreligious dialogueKu ekumenii integralnej perspektywy dialogów religijnych w nowym tysiącleciuTowards the Integral Ecumenism: Perspectives of the Interreligious Dialogues in the New MillenniumArticle