Czubak, Stanisław2022-08-182022-08-181992Szczecińskie Studia Kościelne, 1992, nr 3, s. 21-25.83-7041-000-60867-7220ład. Autor streszczenia: Stanisław Czubak.The main theses of this article is the conviction that spirituality of our times is often similar to spirituality of Pelagius. In the beginning of the Vth century pelagianism by his doctrine about original sin and grace tried to be stow upon Christianity antropocentric and naturalistic character. Then St Augustine in his various scriptures and sermons defended pure teaching of Church. The author recapitulates Augustine’s polemics and dimonstrates its preasent day interest. He describes contrary theological methods of pelagianism and St Augustine too (from Adam to Christ - from Christ to Adam).plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandż ChrystusakrzyżAugustyn z HipponyWielka Nowennaojcowie KościołapatrystykapatrologiaPelagiuszGreat NovenaPelagiuscrosspatrologypatristicsHoly Rood„Aby nie został zniweczony krzyż Chrystusa” (św. Augustyn) - w świetle obchodów drugiego roku Wielkiej Nowenny„That wasn’t annihilated the cross of Christ” (St Augustine) - in the light of the celebration the second year of the Great NovennaArticle