Zwoliński, Andrzej2022-12-132022-12-132004Polonia Sacra, 2004, R. 8 (26), Nr 15 (59), s.371-413.1428-5673 has ceased to be a taboo subject for the world, but at the same time it has ceased to be a subject of discussions. Historical experience of the tragic consequences of the rule of racist ideologies has led the humanity to an unequivocal assessment of all forms of racism. Its various, more and more sublime and hidden forms are pursued by the public opinion, reported and condemned. One cannot, however, feel satisfied with a good condition of international law in this respect and penal codes of individual countries. The essential sources of racism reside within the human heart. Hence never-ending demand for educational care of its condition. Information and thorough analysis of phenomena concerning the existing disproportions, forms of domination and hostilities across various social groups are indispensable. The fight against racism is the care about the future fate of the world and the condition of humanity in general. Respect for all people, including all races, means respecting every human being and this alone justifies the hope for a truly better world.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 PolandściółnaródwspólnotahistoriarasizmfilozofiaŻydzikolonieniewolnictwosocjologianaukaNiemcyniemiecki ruch higieny raseugenika niemieckaideologianazizmantysemityzmantysyjonizmAfrykapolitykaAustraliaStany ZjednoczoneindianieKu Klux Klanapartheidrasizm instytucjonalnyetnocentryzmspołeczeństwoemigracjadyskryminacja rasowadobro wspólnenauczanieglobalizacjaintegracjaChurchnationcommunityhistoryracismphilosophyJewscoloniesslaverysociologystudyGermanyNazi eugenicsideologyNazismanti-Semitismanti-ZionismAfricapoliticsUnited StatesNative Americansinstitutional racismethnocentrismsocietyemigrationracial discriminationcommon goodteachingglobalizationintegrationKościół wobec dawnych i współczesnych form rasizmuChurch Vs. Old and Contemporary Forms Of RacismArticle