Trocha, Bogdan2023-03-102023-03-102010Studia Paradyskie, 2010, t. 20, s. 113-124.978-83-932686-0- 3 author of this article shows the phenomen in the a perspective of last 300 years, the points of specificity of using the character of guiding spirit in individual periods. The author shows also the transformations which have appeared in this process. What is more he presents a specifity of using this motive in the contemporary subgenres of popular literature. This article is an element of large-scale research work. From the analysis which the autor hac carried out arise that the character of guiding spirit often functions in two models: a polemic and a religious one.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandłaniduchowieństwoclergypriesthoodpostać literackaliterary characterliteraturaliteratureliteratura popularnapopular literatureliteratura grozyhorror literatureliteratura jarmarczno-odpustowafantastyka naukowascience fictionliteratura fantastycznafantasypowieść kryminalnacrime fictionthrillerliteraturoznawstwoliterary studiesPostać kapłana w literaturze popularnejThe character of a guiding spirit in the contemporary popular literatureArticle