Bełch, Kazimierz2022-10-282022-10-282017Premislia Christiana, 2016-2017, T. 17, s. 261-282.0867-308 Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’ include the postulate of integral ecology to extend the teaching of previous popes as regards environmental concems. Devastation of naturai and human environment is for Francis the reason for necessity of the practice of integral ecology. Among challenges conceming the overcoming of ecological crisis he suggests the dialogue at various levels and suitable actions absorbing all the people in a different grade. Similarly, urgent assignment is the people ecological education and creation of ecological spirituality.plAttribution 3.0 Poland pastoralnateologiaekologiaencyklikadokumenty KościołaFranciszek papieżpapieżekapłaniduchowieństwoLaudato si’nauczanie społeczne KościołaKatolicka Nauka Społecznaekologia integralnaekologia przyrodniczaekologia ludzkaśrodowisko naturalneprzyrodanaturadegradacja środowiskaMagisterium Kościoładuchowośćchrześcijaństwoduchowość ekologicznapastoral theologytheologyecologyencyclicPope Francispopesclergypriesthoodnatural habitatenvironmentnaturespiritualityChristianityEkologia integralna w świetle encykliki papieża Franciszka Laudato si’Integral ecology in the light of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’Article