Araszczuk, Stanisław2024-02-272024-02-272013Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne, 2013, T. 4 (60), s. 7-20.2080-6337 tłumaczenia streszczenia / Summary translated by Konrad Klimkowski.Relying on the treasury of ecclesiastical tradition, the Second Vatican Council ventured a liturgical reform and a revision of cult texts, so as to change them into an appeal that inspires the disciples of Christ to enliven their faith, to raise their Christian spirit and to guarantee their more fruitful participation in the ministerial service of the Church. Liturgical texts and sacred rites are inspiration for prayer and Christian life. They also are assent of faith through objective participation in the Paschal mystery of Christ. In this way, conscious and complete participation in the liturgy leads to the synthesis of faith and life. However, this objective can only be attained through the discovery and opening of the whole treasure of the liturgical legacy to the faithful, and through introducing it to liturgical texts. This is why Rev. Prof. Kopeć claimed that for the success of the ongoing post-Council reform and re-edition of liturgical texts it was necessary to enrich the liturgy by appropriate and devout service in native language, in order to highlight the ideas that could reinvigorate the faith of Christ’s disciples to consciously accept and experience the mystery of the present and acting God.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Józef KopećmistagogialiturgikaparadigmliturgymystagogyliturgicsParadygmat liturgiczny w ujęciu ks. prof. Jerzego Józefa Kopcia CPThe Liturgical Paradigm According to Jerzy Józef Kopeć CPArticle