Selejdak, Ryszard2023-02-062023-02-062015Veritati et Caritati, 2015, T. 4, s. 201-232.2354-0311, the performance of pastoral service by the priest is not easy. There are many reasons this situation exists. Among those which are most influential are: secularization, hedonism, moral relativism, individualism, the complicated socio-political situation, and subjectivism in faith. Thus, it happens that the priest, discouraged by the failures in his service, betimes undertakes the dramatic decision to abandon the priesthood. In this atmosphere, assuring suitable formation for future priests, dedicated to the fruitful carrying out of the mission of Jesus the Good Shepherd to the contemporary world, becomes one of the most important tasks of the Church. This must be based upon the concept of a priestly identity fully in conformity with the Ecclesiastical Magisterium, which embraces four fundamental dimensions: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. Another issue of great importance is the careful verification of the suitability of the candidate for Orders, both at the time of their first admission to seminary as well as at the occasion of their promotion to Holy Orders.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland ChrystusDobry Pasterzwyzwania współczesnego światawspółczesnośćświatposługa kapłańskaposługakapłaństwokapłaniduchowieństwohedonizmsekularyzacjarelatywizmseminariaseminaria duchownetożsamość kapłańskatożsamośćbiskupiformacjaformacja kapłańskaformacja kapłańska integralnawymiary formacjiformatorzyrozeznanie zdatności kandydataprzyjęcie do seminariumdopuszczenie do święceńokres propedeutycznycelibatcelibat kapłańskiojcowie duchowniMagisterium KościołaJesus ChristGood Shepherdchallenges of the contemporary worldpresentworldpriestly ministryserviceclergypriesthoodhedonismsecularismrelativismseminariesseminarzyściseminarianspriestly identityidentityformationpriestly formationintegral priestly formationformational dimensionsformatorsdiscerning priestly suitability in candidatesadmission to seminaryadmission to Holy Orderspropadeutic periodpriestly celibacycelibacyspiritual fathersEcclesiastical MagisteriumsecularisationsekularyzmFormacja seminarzystów wobec wyzwań współczesnego świataThe Formation of Seminarians when Confronted with the Challenges of the Contemporary WordArticle