Dziadosz, Dariusz2024-11-052024-11-052011Verbum Vitae, 2011, T. 19, s. 15-40.1644-85612451-280X purpose of the present article is the analysis of the female characters in the narration of Gen 11:27- 25:18. At the beginning, the author describes the factors determining the religious and social status of women in the patriarchal society. This society, even though exhibiting the patriarchal order, is built on the foundations of faith which grants man and woman the same dignity and position before God. In the subsequent part of the article, the authors shows different female protagonists appearing in the Abraham's cycle. Sarah is depicted as the model of a genuine Hebrew wife and mother. She fulfills her vocation in an exemplary way giving birth to Isaac and ensuring ber family the best conditions possible for their existence. Lot's wife and daughters stand in a stark opposition to Sarah. Their actions bring doom upon the families they represent and thwart the opportunity of their continuous growth comparable to the one experienced by Abraham's generation.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychAbrahamSarahHagarwomanGod's promisesstory of AbrahamBook of GenesisBibleOld Testamentsocial status of women in traditions about Abrahamreligious status of women in traditions about Abrahamtraditions about Abrahambiblical traditionsocial status of womenreligious status of womenkobietaobietnica Bożahistoria AbrahamaRdz 11Księga RodzajuBibliaPismo ŚwięteStary Testamentspołeczny status kobiet w tradycjach o Abrahamiereligijny status kobiet w tradycjach o Abrahamietradycje o Abrahamietradycja biblijnaspołeczny status kobietreligijny status kobietReligijny i społeczny status kobiet w tradycjach o Abrahamie (Rdz 11,27-25,18)Article