Marcinkowska, Barbara2024-06-032024-06-032014Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2014, T. 33, cz. 2, s. 63-78.0239-4472 music people can fully express their feelings and emotions, even the ones of religious nature. Therefore, music is an inseparable part of the liturgy in the Christian Church. The music used during religious ceremonies is aimed at praising God and blessing the faithful. This goal will be accomplished only when the rules referring to sacred music are followed. These rules are found in the documents formed by the Church legislation. The Letter to Artists by St. John Paul II plays the vital role among the regulations. It can be treated as a kind of invitation sent to all people of art, so music as well, to join in the dialogue with the Church. The following article presents the tasks given authors and performers of worship music by the Church, in the context of the message conveyed in the Letter to Artists. Pope writes about their responsibility. At the same time he expresses a wish as far as the beauty they create is concerned. Namely, he wants that beauty to evoke admiration among the next generations.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Paweł IIKarol Wojtyłaartyścimuzyka liturgicznahistoriaList do artystówdokumenty Kościołapapieżenauczanie papieskienauczanie Jana Pawła IIKościółmusicliturgyJohn Paul IIartistsliturgical musichistoryLetter to ArtistspopesPope's teachingJohn Paul II's teachingChurchdziałalność artystycznaartistic activitiesmuzyka sakralnasacred musicWskazania dla artystów w przesłaniu św. Jana Pawła IIRecommendations for artists in Saint John Paul II’s messageArticle