Guzowski, Krzysztof2023-09-112023-09-112003Roczniki Teologiczne, 2003, T. 50, z. 2, s. 177-191.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.Speaking about prophetism seems to be for many only a consideration of a purely cultural character, for a prophet is commonly regarded as a person that belongs to ancient tradition. The paper entitled The Prophetic Vocation of the Church Towards Europe and the World suggests that the issue of prophetism is still topical. It results from the awareness that the Church is a community of persons, that it was not only founded by Christ-the Word Incarnate, but it was also called to witness to the truth most fully revealed in God-Man. This Truth deals with the fortunes of the Church and the world, concerns each man and is eternal. Therefore there is a particular calling of “all and each faithful” to bear witness like Christ the Prophet did it. Sequela Christi is for the faithful a source of identity and power, also at the time of a crisis of faith.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 PolandóghistoriaEuropaświatKościółprofetyzmprofetyzm Kościołasakrament Kościoła w świecieBóg historiisequela Christiproroctwoprzyszłośćproroctwo przyszłościnauczycieleprorocypowołanieGodhistoryEuropeworldChurchprophetismChurch's prophetismsacrament of the Church in the worldGod of historyprophecyfutureteachersprophetsvocationpowołanie prorockieprophetic vocationprophecy of the futureProrockie powołanie Kościoła wobec Europy i świataThe Prophetic Vocation of the Church Towards Europe and the WorldArticle