Kapuściński, Jacek2023-04-212023-04-212019Veritati et Caritati, 2019, T. 12, s. 233-253.978-83-64487-15-62354-0311http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/6479In vol. 11 “Veritati et Caritati”, published in 2018, 2 letters and 22 postcards written in 1928-1941 by Fr. Ludwik Gietyngier were published. The content of this correspondence showed an interesting scale of Gietyngier’s activities and interests, unnoticed in the past historic literature. Following this clue, it was decided to introduce the second part of Fr. Ludwik’s correspondence, so called incoming. In comparison to outgoing correspondence (24 editions) is volumetrically much poorer, because it contains only 2 letters and 4 postcards from 1928-1941, including one letter in the form of reply. Nevertheless, the content of this collection lets discover unknown facts from the addressee’s life, primarily concerning the circle of people who he had special relations with (parents, sister Cecylia’s family, Marian Jung, Fr. Stanisław Witek, Fr. Stanisław Ufniarski and nondescript Witold). Moreover, thanks to 2 letters, coming from the period of his staying in German camps, it is easier to recreate more precisely the way of his martyrdom. Having regard to these facts, his collection was prepared for edition according the editorial rules used in early outgoing correspondence. So particular letters and postcards have individual numbers, and all this collection is given a crucial historic introduction (the addressee’s resume and correspondence description), adding on the margins QR codes, thanks to which it is possible to see preserved original letters and postcards.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/II RzeczpospolitaII wojna światowawojnabłogosławienihistoriaLudwik Roch Gietyngierdiecezjediecezja częstochowskadiecezja kieleckalistypocztówkiprefekciproboszczowiewikariuszeŻarkiSecond Polish RepublicWorld War IIwarblessedhistorydiocesesCzęstochowa dioceseKielce dioceseletterspostcardsprefectsparish priestsvicarswięźniowie obozowicamp prisonerswięźniowieprisonerskorespondencjacorrespondenceListy i pocztówki do ks. Ludwika Gietyngiera z lat 1928-1941. Przyczynek do biografii bł. Ludwika Rocha GietyngieraThe Letters and Postcards to Fr. Ludwik Gietyngier from 1928-1941. The Contribution to Biography of Blessed Ludwik Roch GietyngierArticle