Podhorecki, Norbert2022-10-252022-10-252013Premislia Christiana, 2012-2013, T. 15, s. 201-226.0867-308http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/1654The following reflection on the Second Vatican Council sets itself as a task to conduct an analysis of this significant event according to the outline included in the title. Namely, it is a brief description of the Vatican II itself, then a reference to its undoubtedly epoch-making importance for Christians around the world, and a summary reflection on the permanent challenge, which is the conciliar thought to the whole Church, to her charismata and office, to the shepherds and the whole People of God. This challenge is presented essentially by the reference to the event, which was the publication of the Dutch Catechism in 1966, the first post-Vatican II Catholic catechism, reflecting the Magisterium of the Dutch bishops. The text contains also the generał hermeneutic of the II Vatican Council, as well as the content of four of its most important documents — the Council’s Constitutions.plAttribution 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/pl/teologia systematycznateologiasobórsobór watykański IIKościółJan XXIIIpapieżekapłaniduchowieństwobiskupihistoriahistoria Kościoładokumenty KościołaMagisterium KościołahermeneutykaSacrosanctum conciliumliturgiaKonstytucja o Liturgiikonstytucje dogmatyczneLumen GentiumDei VerbumGaudium et speskonstytucje duszpasterskieduchsystematic theologytheologycouncilVatican IISecond Vatican CouncilChurchJohn XXIIIpopesclergypriesthoodbishopshistoryChurch historyhermeneuticsliturgyspiritSobór Watykański II (1962 -1965). Wydarzenie — znaczenie — wyzwanieThe Second Vatican Council (1962 -1965). Event - Meaning - ChallengeArticle