Perzyński, Andrzej2023-07-252023-07-252004Analecta Cracoviensia, 2004, T. 36, s. 245-259.0209-0864 on the truth of dogma, which produced very little result before Vatican II, seem to have found an open gate after the Council. Because the dogma structuraly appeals to the revealed truth, it regards directly and indirectly to the biblical, but not the philosophical-rational concept of truth. The article contains three parts: 1) Historicle reasons for questioning dogma and truth; 2) The dogma in the presece of hermenetics and philosophical language; 3) A dispute upon the idea of truth, exampled by three authors: W. Pannenberg, J. Moltmann and W. Kasper. In theological reflection, the reference to the revealed truth oscillates between two poles, one of which is eschatological and the other christological. Referring to the contemporary debate on eschatology and history, J. Moltmann seems to be emphasizing the above in connection with W. Pannenberg, bearing the risk of ascribing to eschatology what he wants to take away from history. W. Kasper develops the concept of dogma based on the biblical concept of truth, which can be regarded as history in its very essence, as it flows in the rhythm of promise and fulfillment. It is understood as a promise, and not an epiphany, thus, it is radically open to the unimaginable future which inevitably belongs to God. Every dogmatic definition needs an indepth interpretation heading towards manifesting the revealed truth using clearly humanly expressed words, with this related is the problem of making use of contemporary hermenetics. The work of Italian authors such as G. Angelini, G. Colombo, G. Moioli, P. A. Sequeri display the dogmatic definitions are necessary as a sign of a united Church and a sign that guides the faith of the faithful. However an indepth cognition of the whole manifested reality expressed in the dogma’s reserved in the full human eschatological state, though in the present state it becomes more and more possible to better recognize them.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland posoborowasobórsobór watykański IIWłochydyskusja teologicznarecepcjaKościółhistoria Kościołahistoriaprawdahistorycznośćhermeneutykafilozofia językaeschatologiadogmastheologypost-conciliar theologycouncilVatican IISecond Vatican CouncilItalytheological discussionreceptionChurchChurch historyhistorytruthhistoricityhermeneuticsphilosophy of languageeschatologyphilosophyfilozofiaBadania nad dogmatem w teologii posoborowej. Recepcja dyskusji teologicznej we WłoszechThe Dogma in Post-Vatican II Theology. A Theological Dispute in ItalyArticle