Brągiel, Józefa2024-02-092024-02-092013Family Forum, 2013, T. 3, s. 155-169.2084-1698 article presents the increasing work migration of the Polish adult population and the resulting „euro-orphanhood,” most commonly defined as the situation of a child whose one or both parents have left the country for work purposes. The disordered bond with the absent parent(s) as perceived by the child and the transnational strategies used by non-residential parents to maintain the relationship with the child are discussed.plAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland bondwięź rodzic-dzieckotransnational parenthoodponadnarodowe rodzicielstwomigracjamigrationemigracjaemigrationrodzinarodzicedziecifamilyparentschildrenmigracja zarobkowalabour migrationrodzina migracyjnamigrant familywięzi rodzinnerelacje rodzinnefamily relationshipseconomic migration„Eurosieroctwo” jako rezultat przemiany więzi rodzinnychEuro-orphanhood as a sign of the transformation of family bondsArticle