Bogacz, Roman2023-01-232023-01-232009Polonia Sacra, 2009, R. 13 (31), Nr 25 (69), s. 13-22.1428-5673 letter to the Hebrews shows us Christ as the one true High Priest. It is the only book that emphasizes the missiom of God's Son in this specific way. Christ's priesthood is completely different and higher than the Levitical priesthood of the Old Testament. Jesus is the One who is faithful and trustworthy, having been sent by God himself. He is above Moses in the same way as “the builder is above the building that he builds”. He, the incarnate Son of God, is the creator of the world and mankind, and is the ruler of all things. He sits at the right hand of God. However, to become a priest He had to become flesh and blood – in other words He became fully human. Christ's task is to be a mediator between God and humanity. He brings forgiveness once and for all and leads his people to the place of rest – joyous celebration with God in eternity (Hbr 4, 9). His sacrifice is superior to the sacrifices within the Mosaic Law. Christ has sacrifised himself as a perfect offering and entered heaven with his own blood, not to the Temple with the blood of animals, as the Old Testament priests used to do. Therefore, He can help us in all our needs because He himself suffered much. The goal of Christ's ministry is our sanctification, which is the unity with God.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 PolandłaniduchowieństwokapłaństwoJezus ChrystusBibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy TestamentList do HebrajczykówHbrarcykapłaniStary TestamentofiarachrześcijaństwoclergypriesthoodJesus ChristBibleNew TestamentOld TestamentEpistle to the HebrewsarchpriestssacrificeChristianitylisty św. Pawłaletters of Saint PaulChrystus Arcykapłan według Listu do HebrajczykówChrist the Great High Priest according to the Letter to the HebrewsArticle