Szymik, Stefan2024-10-102024-10-102011The Biblical Annals, 2011, T. 1, nr 1, s. 145-157.2083-22222451-2168 author of the article deals with the comparative method in biblical exegesis. First he critically evaluates the results of the application of this method together with its principles and goals. In the second part of the article he analyzes the semantic range of the fundamental terms and opinions of different authors concerning the principles of religiohistorical comparison; then there follows his own conclusions concerning the application of the method. Finally, the author attempts to formulate his own description of the comparative method in biblical exegesis.plCC-BY - Uznanie autorstwaReligionsgeschichtereligionsgeschichtliche Schulecomparative methodhistorical-religious schoolhistory of religionbiblical methodologycomparative analysisbiblical exegesisexegesisbiblical studiesBiblehistoryreligionbiblical textsmetoda porównawczaszkoła historyczno-religijnahistoria religiimetodologia biblijnaanaliza porównawczaegzegeza biblijnaegzegezabiblistykaBibliaPismo Świętehistoriareligiateksty biblijnePodejście historyczno-religijne (analiza porównawcza) w egzegezie tekstów biblijnychThe Comparative Method (religionsgeschichtliche Methode) in the Exegesis of the Biblical TextArticle