Rogowski, Roman E.2024-07-152024-07-152001Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2001, R. 9, Nr 1, s. 11-19.1231-1731 the Book of Revelation we may find a mysterious expression „euangelion aionion”, that is „eternal Gospel” How is it to be understood? Certainly it is to be placed on the contemporary horizon of the all consuming chaos, in this sense that every truth contained in the Good News is unchangeable, absolutely solid and eternal. In times of relativism and confusion there is an urgent need of speaking about it time and again. This is exactly the purpose of the Declaration Dominus Iesus: it was written as a sign of times showing the right way for people lost at the threshold of the Third Millennium. The Declaration emphasizes that at the very center of Christianity there is the live and living person of Christ Jesus and His teaching. Among the winding ways of ecumenism the Declaration reminds the truth about uniqueness and necessity of the Church of Christ, and among the different opinions based on interreligious dialogue once more it teaches us that Christianity is the only religion fully revealed and fully equipped with all means of salvation, and that everyone that receives salvation practically is saved in the Church and through the Church. When keeping in mind that Christianity is live and always in process of development and that its foundations are solid and unchangeable mysteria, every Christian will have a faith that is full of hope and joy.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland Iesusdokumenty KościołaDeklaracja Kongregacji Nauki Wiary Dominus IesusKościółaktualnośćrelatywizmwartościznak czasuJezus Chrystusmisteriumtajemnicaekumenizmdialog międzyreligijnychrześcijaństworeligiaChurch documentsDeclaration of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Dominus IesusChurchtopicalityrelativismvaluessign of the timesJesus Christmysteryecumenisminterreligious dialogueChristianityreligionteologiatheologydialogdialogueAktualność Deklaracji „Dominus Iesus”The Declaration “Dominus Iesus”: Suitable for Our TimesArticle