Baczyński, Witold2024-09-302024-09-302007Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2007, R. 15, Nr 1, s. 159-176.1231-1731 of analyses are standing in contradiction to a few stereotyped opinions it is possible to hear which from the mouth of opponents to – of criticisms of the Thomism of philosophy of the drama. For first, polemics with the Thomism weren’t a result of the arrogance, prejudice or of the ignorance of the opponent. Indeed, one should admit that the tongue and argumentation Tischner used which many times diverged from norms and it could offend tomist, but it isn’t possible to say he ignored their arguments. His polemics with the Thomism were an attempt to stand up to the concept which seemed to be insufficient in contemporary world and asking questions for the shape of contemporary philosophy and theology. Let us notice, that questions which he put contemporary for oneself tomist, were questions directed at people dealing with „making philosophy” Tischner sought the method which in the scientific way will portray the complexity of the everyday life which will demand this forgotten and omitted in the process of the abstraction everyday life. For him a hermeneutics which could not in his view was such a method to entertain one another on land of the Thomism. Stating that instead of the Thomism he suggested philosophy of the drama isn’t also a truth, accessible for the ordinary reader, on account of the simplicity of language, hence light, simple and pleasant. The conception as personas and as the religious being is deprived of the man of illusions of possibilities concerning it and is opening it for unceasing struggle for choice of the Good. It is finally worthwhile noticing that the project of the religious thinking wasn’t only with result of the awareness of the coming death of the author. Even if yes, in it is this making its way towards the death an extraordinary intuition concerning the shape of contemporary philosophy is hidden, as if the philosopher of the drama predicted that the beginning of XXI century would be marked with the thought above religious philosophy. The conclusive word belongs to Good deeds, for which to the name Mercy God, generosities being a word of God.plCC-BY-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkachJózef Tischnerfilozofiafilozofia tomistycznatomizmkrytykakrytyka tomizmuhermeneutykaKościółkrytyka Kościołapolemikachrześcijaństwochrześcijaństwo tomistycznepoznaniekoncepcja poznaniametodologiaetyka tomistycznaetykafilozofia dramatuJoseph TischnerphilosophyThomistic philosophyThomismcriticismcriticism of ThomismhermeneuticsChurchcriticism of the ChurchpolemicsChristianityThomistic Christianitycognitionconcept of cognitionmethodologyThomistic ethicsethicsphilosophy of dramaKs. Józef Tischner – krytyk tomizmuRev. Józef Tischner – criticism of ThomismArticle