Cichosz, Wojciech2025-01-272025-01-272006Studia Gdańskie, 2005-2006, T. 18-19, s. 157-161.0137-4341 growth causes profound cultural, civilization and mental changes. The law of demand and supply is beginning to dominate all areas of life. The signs of alarming phenomena today are: negating the ontological difference between good and evil; rejecting objective difference between the truth and the false; questioning the rule and the aim; negating ontological constitution and structure of things. Nowadays we can observe the decline of authorities: scientism, hedonism and pragmatism are becoming the rules of life. However, we should not turn to despair. A special task and gift is the calling of the teacher, who should first of all be the witness, an authentic enthusiast, a person who loves what they are doing, a true man distinguishing between good and evil and the truth from the false. Personalistic formulating of the process of education and upbringing points at the passage from the model of a school-institution to the concept of a school-community.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychnauczycielewychowawcyzadania nauczycielskiezadania wychowawczeKościółnauczanieedukacjawychowaniewychowanie chrześcijańskiepedagogikapedagogika chrześcijańskakultura chrześcijańskachrześcijaństwokulturapowołaniepersonalizmapostolstwoapostolatteacherseducatorsteaching taskseducational tasksChurchteachingeducationupbringingChristian upbringingpedagogyChristian pedagogyChristian cultureChristianityculturevocationpersonalismapostolateCzytelność aksjologiczna nauczyciela-wychowawcyAxiological Legibility of a Teacher-EducatorArticle