Baranowska, Dorota2024-11-152024-11-152016Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2016, R. 24, Nr 1, s. 7-16.1231-17312544-6460 brought up on liturgical abuses introduced in result of mistakenly understood instructions of the Vatican Council II, stands before a great task to renew the feeling of sacrum and appropriate respect in relation to Eucharist, which underwent considerable destruction. Faithful, bored with traditional liturgy, began making it attractive on one’s own account, leading even to profanation. Meanwhile Eucharist is the greatest holiness in the Church and a gift about which we are obliged to care. And what should be the greatest attraction thereof? The Person of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.plCC-BY-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkachEucharystiasacrumKomunia ŚwiętaMsza świętaodnowa liturgicznasobór watykański IIsobórdarysakramentyliturgiaEucharistHoly CommunionHoly MassMassliturgical renewalSecond Vatican CouncilVatican IIcouncilgiftssacramentsliturgySacrum Eucharystii – dar, który łatwo utracićSacrum of Eucharist – Gift which is Easily LostArticle