Szewczyk, Robert2023-03-072023-03-072010Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2010, t. 6, s. 183-208.1643-4870 paper undertakes an attempt to present a hospice chaplain’s experience. The Author describes his meetings and conversations with ill children and their families in order to consider what can be done to provide support to a family with terminally ill child. The major part of experience gained from the meetings with terminally ill children and their families is connected with asking questions rather than obtaining clear answers. First of all, a chaplain witnesses anxiety, fear, uncertainty of the future and growing awareness of the fact that the best life plans and parents’ dreams connected with their child will never come true because of the illness. This awareness, as well as fear, always triggers huge emotions resulting from loss of hope, illusions, doubts, bittemess and resentment towards God and people. Pastoral care also creates an occasion to leam, together with the child’s parents, the value of life full of love. In this context every moment, every gesture, every breath - especially if it has to be fought for with the help of machinery and medical means - acquires a special meaning. It has to be understood that such “learning” is a challenge to everyone, since no one is experienced and perfect. Learning to start one’s life all over again, to find out and to deepen one’s own identity is impossible without reference to God, who is a real person and moreover - in Jesus Christ - the way, the truth and the life. Chaplain’s ministry is an unceasing attempt to revoke his own faith and the faith of those to whom he has been sent, to remind how intensively God seeks those who suffer and gives them strength. Quite often their faith in a personal God is proved to be much bigger than that of a chaplain, no matter to what extent they are aware of it and how they practice their religion in their daily life. They are aware much more than anyone else that it is personal relationship, and not the material things, that is the most important thing in the face of terminal illness of the child. The purpose of this paper is to bring difficult ministry of a hospice chaplain closer by pointing out such values as presence, faith, openness and patience, and above all prayer in common and the sacraments. These are the source of grace and force, the place where a man meets God, meets Jesus Christ.plAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłaniduchowieństwohospicjadzieciduszpasterstwoduszpasterstwo chorychrodzinachorzycierpieniewiaraclergypriesthoodhospiceschildrenministrypastoral care of the sickfamilysicksufferingfaithdoświadczenieexperienceDoświadczenia kapelana hospicjum dla dzieci. Obszary zaangażowania duszpasterskiego kapelana w rodzinie dziecka terminalnie choregoPastoral care of a family with a terminally ill child - areas of engagementArticle