Srebro, Wacław2024-05-062024-05-062006Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2006, T. 25, cz. 1, s. 101-116.0239-4472 wykresy.What has been taken up in the present article is the problem of positive and negative effects of family factors on the process of children’s and adolescents’ emotional development. Family is the place where a person shapes and models the basic patterns of behaviour. The atmosphere of a family house and parents’ interactions stipulate the appearance and preservation of both normal and abnormal behaviour. The complexity of family functions can be explained by the theory of system. When one family member changes his/her behaviour it results in the unbalanced family system. The whole knowledge available allows to determine the features of family (whether the relations within the family are correct or incorrect) as well as indicate some behavioural retardations such as aggression, anxiety, depression and the psychosomatic diseases caused by family factors. As far as the available findings are concerned, the family and particularly indirect emotional contact of its members since the earliest childhood have a great influence on children’s and adolescents’ development.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandój emocjonalny dziecirozwój emocjonalny młodzieżyrozwój emocjonalnydziecimłodzieżzaburzenia rozwoju psychologicznegozaburzenia rozwoju psychologicznego dziecizaburzenia rozwoju psychologicznego młodzieżypsychologiarozwój psychologicznyzachowania agresywnezachowania lękowezachowania depresyjnerodzina dysfunkcyjnarodzina prawidłowarozwój dzieckawspólnotafamilychildren's emotional developmentemotional development of young peopleemotional developmentchildrenyouthdisorders of psychological developmentdisorders of children's psychological developmentdisorders of adolescent psychological developmentpsychologypsychological developmentaggressive behaviouranxious behaviourdepressive behaviourdysfunctional familynormal familychild developmentcommunityagresjaaggressionlękanxietydepresjadepressionzaburzeniadisordersZnaczenie rodziny w procesie emocjonalnego rozwoju dzieci i młodzieżyThe Importance of Family in the Process of Emotional Development of Children and AdolescentsArticle