Kosytorz, Renata2024-12-192024-12-192013Scriptura Sacra, 2013, R. 17, s. 169-180.1428-72182391-9396https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/25831God who revealed himself to Moses on Mount Horeb, revealed himself to humanity in a way that he had never been revealed before. Until the moment Moses encounters God in the burning bush God had always been known as „the God of your father, the God of Abra- ham.’’(Exodus 3;6).Then He calls himself,, I am who I am” (Exodus 3; 14),a name which describes his eternal power. God gives Moses his own personal name, which is very important for Jews.(A name expresses the person’s essence and identity. God having a name is not an anonymous force. To disclose one’s name is to make oneself known to others).God reveals himself as God of Covenant who is faithful and compassionate, merciful and gracious. God gives laws ensuring justice for everybody, telling at the same time that mercy goes before punishment. Thus, God revealing himself on Mount Sinai (Horeb) is God full of mercy, which is an anticipation of the New.plCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkachbytprzymierzegóraświętośćnaródwspólnotaJa JestemIzraelsprawiedliwośćprawotetragrammiłosierdziemiejscelegalizmimię BogaSynajMojżeszKsięga WyjściaStary TestamentBibliaPismo Świętegóra Synajteologiateologia biblijnaegzegezaegzegeza biblijnabiblistykabeingcovenantmountainholinessnationcommunityI amIsraeljusticelawmercyplacelegalismname of GodSinaiMosesBook of ExodusOld TestamentBibleMount Sinaitheologybiblical theologyexegesisbiblical exegesisbiblical studiesSynaj górą objawienia Imienia BogaSinai ‒ the mount where God’s name was revealedArticle