Basak, Waldemar2022-10-102022-10-102007Premislia Christiana, 2006-2007, T. 12, s. 375-398.0867-308 the occupation, there were plenty of Armia Krajowa’s outposts in the area of Sanok and its neighbourhood. After the “liberation” some of the AK members disclosed themselves to the Russian authorities. They were either repressed or incorporated into Polish Army. The others, however, left the country or decided to fight against the Communists. In the summer of 1945 there was a reactivating of some AK outposts. A large number of anti Communist groups came into being. In June 1945 Antoni Zubryd - the leader of most military groups in Karpaty region escaped from regional security office. He also created a troop subordinated to National Army. The troop consisted of three independent companies and two platoons- more than 200 soldiers alltogether. SBO NSZ troops were given help and support not only by quite a large number of people of Karpaty region but also by catholic priests. The most active ones were: Piotr Bajek, Roman Hejnosz, Ignacy Kociak, Jakub Mikos, Stefan Misiąg, Jan Szul, Władysław Janowicz and nuns: Aniela Ostrowska i Antonina Zglińska. The list of the clergy is not finished. Those were people who actively took part in a fight against Communists. Tłiey risked their freedom and lives. Needless it to say, most of the catholic community was engaged in this action.plAttribution 3.0 Polandłaniduchowieństwodiecezjediecezja przemyskaarmiawojskosiły zbrojneArmia KrajowahistoriaNarodowe Siły ZbrojnePrzemyślżołnierzeCatholicismCatholicsclergypriesthooddiocesesarmysoldiershistoryDuchowieństwo katolickie obrządku łacińskiego diecezji przemyskiej wobec działalności Samodzielnego Batalionu Operacyjnego Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych Kryptonim „ZUCH” (1945 - 1947)Clerus ritus latini dioecesis Premislienis pro activitate cohortis „Zuch” Exercituum Nationalium Poloniae annis 1945-1947The Catholic of Latin rite in Przemyśl area clergy towards the activity of the Independent Battalion of the National Anny called „ ZUCH” (1945 - 1947)Article