Szubtarski, Grzegorz2023-08-292023-08-292013Roczniki Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii, 2013, T. 5 (60), s. 201-214.2080-8534 article is an attempt to analyse the influence of Christ's resurrection for the reinterpretation of his activity by his disciples. In the first two sections biblical scenes are examined which demonstrate the initial misunderstanding of Jesus’ activity by his disciples and its reinterpretation after the resurrection. The third point focuses on the analysis of the verb “to remind” (gr. mimnoskomai), including its context. It demonstrates that this word does not only mean “recall the memory” of certain words and events, but their reinterpretation. The fourth point focuses on the role of the Paraclete, who helped (and even was necessary to) the disciples to make this reinterpretation of Jesus’ words and deeds, which initially they did not understand. At the end it has been noted that this after-resurrection reflection should be seen as an argument for the reality of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. The metamorphosis that has taken place not only in the thinking, but also in the behaviour of the disciples, shows how powerful this event was for them.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland ChrystusaJezus Chrystuschrystologiarefleksja popaschalnarelekturaprzypomnieniehermeneutykahermeneutyka biblijnaBibliaPismo Święteegzegezaegzegeza biblijnauczniowie JezusaResurrectionResurrection of ChristJesus ChristChristologyafter-paschal reflectionreinterpretationreminderhermeneuticsbiblical hermeneuticsBibleexegesisbiblical exegesisdisciples of JesusteologiatheologyZmartwychwstanie jako klucz hermeneutyczny w relekturze słów i czynów Jezusa ChrystusaThe Resurection as a Hermeneutical Key in Reinterpretation Jesus Christ’s Words and ActsArticle