Sienkiewicz, Edward2023-02-282023-02-282011Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2011, nr 16, s. 115-125.1230-0780 the word community often leads to mixing this way of being with any other social structure. However, a community is such a relation of persons, in which the inner dimension of each of them is involved. Since only in such involvement of everyone creating the community, what enriches me, develops me, and strengthens me, develops and strengthens any other. The reality of the community is not excluding belonging to other groups, associations, if only the membership is not restricting the personal structure of all units creating the given community. A special place and at the same time a space of creation and development of a community is The Church of Jesus Christ, understood as communio of persons in Word, in the most full way revelating The Community of The God Persons.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandściółcommunio personarumteologiaPolskateologia uczestnictwawspólnotachrześcijaństwopersonalizmpersonalizm chrześcijańskijednostkaspołeczeństwodrogaprawdażycieJezus ChrystusChurchtheologyPolandtheology of participationcommunityChristianitypersonalismChristian personalismindividualsocietywaytruthlifeJesus ChristKościół jako communio personarum w polskiej teologii uczestnictwaArticle