Wójcik, Bogusław2024-03-202024-03-201996Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 1995-1996, T. 14, s. 101-134.0239-4472http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/14453The problem of consciousness is very often debated in the contemporary philosophy. The main question concerns the relation between two different spheres of reality. In the case of the human being those relations are connected with the conception of the man as composition of body (rex extenso) and soul or mind (rex cogitons). The dichotomy popularized by R. Descartes is still present. Against this background one can read Dennett's book Consciousness Explained. In the article I attend to his attempts at resolving the Body-Mind Problem and new conceptions of consciousness as it emerges from Cognitive Science (CS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). In Dennett’s opinion science, psychology, philosophy, and AI can resolve the two great philosophical problems: consciousness and intentionality. The more fundamental issue concerns “rethinking of everything” Dennett’s notion of “rethinking” is the second main sphere of my interests. Methodology applied in Consciousness Explained has many connections with deconstruction in J. Derrida’s philosophical practice and postmodern characteristics of J.F Lyotard's thought. And this is the reason why many “scientific” arguments implemented by metaphors and comparisons are meant to replace old metaphors, for example Cartesian Theatre. It turns out that consciousness is a kind of undefined “Center of Narrative Gravity” It’s also part of Derrida’s vision of “words web” without a subject. The escape from rationalism and preference for a postmodern style of doing philosophy is a sign of crisis in Dennett’s analysis. Homuncular functionalism and semiotic monism are theories left behind because there are too many unresolved questions in Body-Mind Problem. Dennett rather mobilizes us to strong faith in his projects than gives reasons for knowledge based on arguments from AI or CS. As J. Searle put it: Cartesian Theatre exists even in Consciousness Explained but in new form – cryptodualism.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/monistyczna interpretacja genezy świadomościinterpretacja genezy świadomościgeneza świadomościświadomośćinterpretacjainterpretacja monistycznafilozofiamonistic interpretation of origin of consciousnessinterpretation of origin of consciousnessorigin of consciousnessconsciousnessawarenessinterpretationmonistic interpretationphilosophyDaniel C. Dennettsztuczna inteligencjaartificial intelligenceAIpsychologiapsychologycognitive sciencekognitywistykaCSMonistyczna interpretacja genezy świadomości w ujęciu D.C. Dennetta (cz. 1)Monistic Interpretation of the Origin of Consciousness According to D.C. DennettArticle