Adamczyk, Jerzy2024-11-152024-11-152016Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2016, R. 24, Nr 2, s. 167-184.1231-17312544-6460 necessity of maintaining and storing parish registers is an important part of church administration. This article addresses a canonical aspect of such registers. First the regulations regarding the necessity to maintain parish registers have been discussed. Second different types of such registers which have to be maintained based on universal and particular law have been addressed. Next the issue of persons responsible for maintaining the parish registers has been explored. Finally the focal point was the issue of the storage of parish registers.plCC-BY-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkachparafieproboszczowiekancelaria parafialnasakramentybiskupi diecezjalniksięgi parafialneKościółprawoprawo kanoniczneKodeks Prawa Kanonicznegoparishesparish priestssacramentsparish officediocesan bishopsparish booksChurchlawcanon lawCode of Canon LawKsięgi parafialne w świetle obowiązujących przepisówParish Registers in the Light of Applicable RegulationsArticle