Mastej, Jacenty2024-02-092024-02-092008Roczniki Teologiczne, 2008, T. 55, z. 9, s. 35-51.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The aim of the present article is to show the Paschal dimension of Jesus’ miracles. The problem is presented in three parts. First, the biblical and theological understanding of Jesus’ miracles as God’s signs is shown. The perspective of perceiving the miracles as signs outlined in this way allows to complementarily look at the Paschal events from the perspective of Jesus’ taumaturgical actions and at Jesus’ miracles in the light of the cross and Resurrection.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Chrystuscudakrzyżzmartwychwstaniezmartwychwstanie Chrystusachrystofaniewydarzenia paschalneObjawienie BożeobjawieniezbawienieteologiaJesus ChristmiraclescrossresurrectionResurrection of ChristchristophaniesPaschal eventsGod's revelationrevelationsalvationtheologyPaschalny wymiar cudów JezusaThe Paschal Dimension of Jesus’ MiraclesArticle