Skowronski, Antoni2024-11-212024-11-212017Studia Ełckie, 2017, T. 19, nr specjalny, s. 603-626.1896-68962353-1274ły z V Interdyscyplinarnego Dnia św. Tomasza z Akwinu „Od kleryka do kapłana. Panorama formacji seminaryjnej” 18 lutego 2017 r. – Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Ełckiej.The institution responsible for the preparation of candidates for priestly ordination is the seminary. The Ełk Diocese Seminary has been engaged in priestly formation since 16 April 1992. It applies the guidelines of the magisterium of the Church and the local tradition and customs, resulting from the specific conditions of the Church of Ełk. The article analyses the profiles of candidates, who join the seminary and the changing religious, cultural and sociological conditions. It presents the current system and model of formation at WSD in Ełk and proposals for changes and developments of that model in the future. The philosophy of the seminary’s further activities contains the need to shift the emphasis from “formation for priesthood” to “priestly formation”. It enumerates concrete proposals and methods, which are worth considering and possibly including in the future formation practice, in order to fulfill the “integral formation” postulate. The content is enriched with the analysis of the questionnaires filled out by the clerics.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychkapłaniclergyduchowieństwopriesthoodkapłaństwoformacjaformationformacja kapłańskapriestly formationseminariaseminariesseminaria duchowneklerycyalumniclericsformacja seminaryjnaseminary formationformation for priesthoodpriest seminaryprzygotowanie di kapłaństwapreparation for priesthoodWyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji EłckiejEłkhistoriahistorypostulatypostulatesAnaliza współczesnego i poszukiwanie nowego modelu formacji kapłańskiej w WSD w EłkuThe Analysis of the Contemporary Model and the Search for a Future Model of the Priestly Formation in the Theological Seminary in EłkArticle