Sultana, Carl-Mario2023-04-172023-04-172018The Person and the Challenges, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 23-44.2083-8018 aim of catechesis is not simply to give information to interlocutors about the Catholic faith. Catechesis seeks to do much more than this, with its ultimate aim being that of putting the human being in communion with Christ. This is achieved through the six tasks of catechesis which need to be deeply embedded in human experiences. The six tasks through which catechesis seeks to achieve its endeavours include: knowledge of the faith, liturgical education, moral formation, formation in prayer and methods of prayer, education for community life and missionary initiation.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland with Christformationhuman experienceknowledge of the faithtasks of catechesiscommunionJesus ChristexperiencehumanpersonfaithknowledgecatechesisCatholicismeducationprayerkomunia z Chrystusemformacjadoświadczenie człowiekawiedza o wierzezadania katechezykomuniaJezus ChrystusdoświadczenieczłowiekosobawiarawiedzakatechezakatolicyzmedukacjamodlitwaCatechesis and its Six TasksArticle