Siewko, Tadeusz2023-03-022023-03-022016Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2016, t. 12, s. 163-184.1643-4870 to the author, bishop Iwan Słeziuk is a heroic figure. In spite of constant persecution, he remained pertinacious towards the Soviet authorities. Throughout his years of religious service, he never let himself be persuaded to renounce his faith, nor to convert to the Orthodox faith, nor to cease his pastoral activities amongst the faithful of his diocese. This article is dedicated to the activity of bishop Słeziuk in the Soviet Union, who in Stanyslaviv - Ivano-Frankivsk served both as an underground bishop and as a usual minister. His attitude towards nationality was first and foremost not pro-Polish or pro-Ukrainian, but pro-human.plAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland SłeziukbiskupikapłaniduchowieństwobishopsclergypriesthoodZwiązek RadzieckihistoriahistoryXX w.biografiabiographyłagrySoviet forced labour campSoviet UnionUnion o f Soviet Socialist RepublicsrehabilitacjarehabilitationDziałalność biskupa Iwana Słeziuka w Związku SowieckimActivity of bishop Iwan Słeziuk in the Soviet UnionArticle