Sapała, Barbara2024-11-142024-11-142014Studia Ełckie, 2014, T. 16, nr 3, s. 441-457.1896-6896ł w języku niemieckim.Calendars had been long regarded as an element of popular culture targeted at the lower social classes. Their unique contribution to literary and cultural studies has been recognized only recently. The Warmia Calendar was published continuously between 1856 and 1938 by members of Braniewo's Catholic community. The calendar served educational (promoting knowledge about Warmia) as well as political and religious goals (promoting Warmian identity rooted in Catholicism and patriotism). The calendar's functions and the publishing strategies adopted by different authors changed with the region's political situation. This article discusses those changes based on an analysis of calendar texts dedicated to Warmian sanctuaries in chronological order.deCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychWarmiapielgrzymkipilgrimagespielgrzymowaniepilgrimagingmiejsca kultuplaces of worshipmiejsca pielgrzymkowepilgrimage sitessanktuariumsanctuarykalendarzecalendarsErmlandKultstättenKalenderVon Information zu Kreation Darstellung der Ermländischen Walfahrtsorte im „ermländischen Hauskalender”Article