Radzikowski, Maciej2023-03-082023-03-082012Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2012, t. 8, s. 217-242.1643-4870http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/4783There is no religion in the world, in which there having been celebrating the cult. An oblation is the most essential part of the religious worship. It has a special connection with the altar which belongs to the oldest and the most sacred objects in the history of artefacts of the human culture. And so the altar is as so old how, a human religious and cultural activity is old. Because desire for giving the glory back to deities by making an offering, thanksgiving or imploring is found in a man. So it isn’t a simple thing, to point out when an institution of the altar was bom in history. The author in the article is trying to portray the centuries-old process of developing forms of the “table of oblation” in the Roman Catholic Church.plAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/pl/historiarozwójołtarzsymbolikaliturgialiturgikaarchitekturaarchitektura sakralnasobórsobór watykański IIhistorydevelopmentaltarimageryliturgyliturgicsarchitecturesacred architecturecouncilSecond Vatican CouncilVatican IIHistoryczny rozwój formy ołtarzaThe historical development of the form of the altarArticle