Misiurek, Jerzy2023-08-212023-08-212009Roczniki Teologii Duchowości, 2009, T. 1(56), s. 97-106.2081-6146http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/9947Blessed Angela Truszkowska is among the important figures in nineteenth-century Poland. She was a co-founder of the Congregation of Felician Sisters. Her writings testify to her love of Jesus Christ, the Divine Bridegroom and His Church. It is in the Divine Master that Truszkowska had found a sense of religious life, therefore she showed Him as a model of love that did not hesitate to lay down His life and remain under the Eucharistic forms. She encouraged her fellow sisters to fulfil God’s will modelled on Christ, and to imitate Him in their whole life. She thought that the consecrated person was called to sanctity and should make every effort to follow Jesus Christ; His words should be radically put into practice in this person’s life.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/świętośćduchowośćwola Bożanaśladowanie Chrystusawzór miłościJezus ChrystusMaria Angela TruszkowskabłogosławieniZgromadzenie Sióstr Świętego Feliksa z Kantalicjo Trzeciego Zakonu Regularnego Świętego Franciszka Serafickiegofelicjankizakonniceżycie zakonnesanctityspiritualityGod’s Willfollowing Christmodel of loveJesus ChristblessedCongregation of Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice Third Order Regular of St. Francis of AssisiFelician Sistersnunsmonastic lifemiłośćloveChrystus w duchowości bł. Marii Angeli TruszkowskiejChrist in the Spirituality of Blessed Mary Angela TruszkowskaArticle