Sokołowski, Paweł2024-01-192024-01-192011Roczniki Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii, 2011, T. 3 (58), s. 151-166.2080-8534 translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Paweł Soko łowski.The aim of this paper was to analyze a motivating aspect of love in Buddhism. As the most comprehensive analysis of the Buddhist love in the Polish literature is the work of H. de Lubac, hence the focus on his research, supplemented by observations of contemporary theologians. First shown understanding of the term „love” in Buddhism, referenced in order to analyze the three terms: majtri (kindness), dana (excellence based on the generosity and assistance), karuna (pity, compassion). Then the paper analyzed the relationship of Buddhist love to the love of Christianity and drew attention to the fact that Buddhism has been switched relationship between love and compassion (in Buddhism, compassion is born of love, in Christianity it is inversely). Buddhist charity does not have also a community dimension, so characteristic of Christianity. Results of this study was that supernatural love in Buddhism is present in the same extent that it is the divine revelation in the creatures and by creatures, and in the same way it lends credibility. Love in Buddhism does not have full incentive asset due to a lack in her the aspect of the Trinity, the ecclesial and sacramental (they strictly specify the Christianity). As a result of this has been demonstrated that Christianity offers the deepest shot of motivating aspect. Love in Christianity is in fact linked to the full and most perfect revelation of Christ.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłość chrześcijańskamiłość w buddyzmiewalor motywacyjny miłości chrześcijańskiejwalor motywacyjny miłości buddyjskiejwiarygodność chrześcijaństwawiarygodność miłościchrześcijaństwobuddyzmwiarygodnośćliteraturaliteratura teologicznofundamentalnateologia fundamentalnaChristian lovelove in Buddismmotivational value of Christian lovemotivational value of Buddhist lovecredibility of Christianitycredibility of loveChristianityBuddismcredibilityliteraturetheological-fundamental literaturefundamental theologyteologiatheologypolskojęzyczna literatura teologicznofundamentalnaPolish-language theological-fundamental literatureProblem wiarygodności miłości w buddyzmie w polskojęzycznej literaturze teologicznofundamentalnejThe Problem of Credibility of Love in Buddhism in the Polish Literature of the Fundamental TheologyArticle