Rogowska, Aleksandra MariaKardasz, ZofiaWicher, Sebastian2024-10-102024-10-102020Family Forum, 2020, T. 10, s. 241-259.2084-1698ł w języku angielskim.The research aimed to examine changes in stress and aggression syndrome among victims and perpetrators of domestic violence while participating in the “Blue Cards” procedure. The study participants were 30 female domestic violence victims, ranged in age between 21 and 58 years (M = 4,33; SD = 9,19), and 30 male perpetrators of domestic violence aged between 22 and 56years old (M = 36,97; SD = 10,06). Aggression syndrome was measured using the Inventory of Psychological Aggression Syndrome (IPSA II), and the stress level was assessed by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10). The prospective study used a test-retest procedure. Both aggression and stress were examined in the whole sample of 60 individuals twice: at baseline and six months after the “Blue Cards” procedure was introduced. Participants have rated self-report aggression syndrome and stress, and also they have assessed the aggression syndrome of his/her partner. Nonparametric Wilcoxon signedrank tests have been used for test-retest comparisons. The results show that active participation in assistant activities decreased the level of stress in domestic violence victims and their perception of perpetrators’ aggression syndrome. The “Blue Cards” procedure may be considered an effective method of supporting victims and preventing domestic violence among perpetrators.enCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkachsyndrom agresjiprzemoc domowaprzemoc w rodziniestresofiary płci żeńskiejsprawcy płci męskiejNiebieska Kartaaggression syndromedomestic violencefamily violencestressfemale victimsmale perpetratorsagresjaaggressionBlue Cardbadania empiryczneempirical studiesChanges in aggression and stress in perpetrators and victims of domestic violence due to the “Blue Cards” procedureZmiany w agresji i stresie u sprawców i ofiar przemocy domowej pod wpływem procedury „Niebieskie Karty”Article