Bełkot, Krzysztof2023-04-212023-04-212019Veritati et Caritati, 2019, T. 12, s. 29-56.978-83-64487-15-62354-0311 a homogenous system of education for the whole country was a primordial issue for are-born Polish state. The system changes in education were followed by the reform of curricula. Upper mid-schools were also touched by these changes. Religious education was introduced to this type of school and its curriculum was written by Church authorities. Although it constituted an important step towards developing a school programme that would satisfy various religious communities in Poland, it was still no more than a certain compendium of religious knowledge to be taught during RE lessons. It was noticeably focused on theological statements, not on students’ meetings with live and authentic Word of God. An advantage of the curriculum of 1926 was its methodological aspect offering various methods and forms of teaching, looking for ways of activating students and making RE lessons more attractive. Moreover, this curriculum took into account the mental and physical development of adolescents. These were merely the beginnings which were fully developed after the introduction of the Education System Act in 1932.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland wyższeprogram nauki religiireforma szkolnictwanauczanie religiimateriał nauczanialekcja religiireligiaformacjaformacja kapłańskaseminariaseminaria duchowneliturgiaupper mid-schoolcurriculum for religious educationschool reformreligious educationteaching materialsreligionformationpriestly formationseminariesprogram nauczaniacurriculumMysterium Christiczasopisma liturgiczneliturgical journalslesson of religionreligious education lessonliturgyLiturgia i jej miejsce w formacji kapłańskiej w seminariach duchownych prezentowane w periodyku liturgicznym „Mysterium Christi” (1929-1939)The Main Assumptions of the Curriculum for Religious Education in Upper Mid-School of 1926Article