Jóźwiak, Stanisław2024-10-072024-10-072004Verbum Vitae, 2004, T. 5, s. 187-203.1644-85612451-280Xhttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/21277In a moral apprehension the faith has got a personal character. The development of person is a dynamic process. It incudes an intelectual heritage wherein it realizes itself as well as constant internal dispositions what comes from the nature of human person. The theological tradition is a retlection on a biblical understanding of the faith that apprehends it as a reply to the God's vocation. That reply is firstly realized within an observation of the Decalogue, then it has got a heteronomical character, and along the development of personality it nextly enters an internal structure of the human subject, where it receives features of the autonomical morality. It is realized within a transition from the morality of Decalogue to the morality of Beatitudes. The mature faith is an attitude of the entire person and her life, and as such it becomes a fundamental moral dynamism of the human person.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychwiaramoralnośćdynamizmdynamizm moralnyosobadynamizm moralny osobywolnośćfaithmoralitydynamismmoral dynamismpersonmoral dynamism of the personfreedomWiara podstawowym dynamizmem moralnym osobyArticle