Papciak, Kazimierz F.2024-07-262024-07-262001Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2001, R. 9, Nr 1, s. 129-137.1231-1731 human being is a citizen of the world from the beginning of the history. And this history we may consider as a story of dialogue or the lack thereof. We think here about the dialogue with God, dialogue of science and religion, ecumenical and political dialogue, dialogue with nature etc. In our present times deep changes in all fields of human activity – economical, cultural, scientifical, technological – created many problems which are not easy to solve. An authentic dialogue may bring about a deeper citizenship of all men of good will around the world. A new world order is being constructed and this is based not only because of laws, law enforcement and international conventions: new worldwide ethics is needed. All this may be brought closer to us thanks to a conscious participation through dialogue for the sake of common good of all human race and every single man.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandściółdialogobywatelstwo świataświatuczestnictwowspółuczestnictwospołeczeństwowychowanieedukacjaetykamoralnośćduszpasterstwonauka społeczna KościołatożsamośćChurchdialogueworld citizenshipworldparticipationco-participationsocietyupbringingeducationethicsmoralityministrysocial teaching of the Churchidentitykatolicka nauka społecznaCatholic social teachingKonstruktywne obywatelstwo świata – uczestnictwo przez dialogA Constructive World’s Citizenship: Participation through DialogueArticle