Fiałkowski, Marek2023-06-262023-06-262010Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2010, T. 2 (57), s. 39-50.2081-1829 translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tomasz Pałkowski.One of modern challenges facing not only politicians, economists or sociologists is the demographic makeup of Poland, which is a derivative of tendencies that are visible in the whole of Europe. Demographic changes are not leaving the Church unaffected. One has to take into account the decreasing number of children and the youth, who are the a major target of pastoral initiatives in Poland. The adult and elderly groups existing in the Church will grow, which will create a demand for new and adequate pastoral solutions for them. The pastoral care of families, elderly, lonely and sick will face special challenges. The article attempts to present the lines of development of activities conducted in the mentioned sectors of pastoral care which the Polish Church should pay attention to.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland duszpasterskarodzinadzieciduszpasterstwo rodzinduszpasterstwo seniorówdziałalność charytatywnaspołeczeństwospołeczeństwo starzejące sięspołeczeństwo polskiedemografiaproblemy demograficznekryzys demograficznydemographyministrypastoral carefamilychildrenpastoral care for familiespastoral care for seniorscharitable worksocietyaging societyPolish societydemographydemographic problemsdemographic crisiskryzyscrisisDuszpasterstwo w starzejącym się społeczeństwie polskimPastoral Care in Polish Aging SocietyArticle