Grabkowski, Marcin2024-02-272024-02-272010Analecta Cracoviensia, 2010, t. 42, s. 359-371.0209-0864 tabele.The present article presents the dedications occurring between 11th and 18th century in the area of Kielce provostry and Radom deanery – the units of church administration embraced by Kraków diocese and located in the south-eastern part of Poland. The article depicts a group of churches’ and selected altars’ invocations. Owing to this, it was possible to choose the oldest and the most popular cults in the indicated area. Such a ready list of invocations was also used to analyse particular churches’ and altars’ invocations. Among others, their durability was considered – whether a given dedication was disappearing or was just becoming less popular. Moreover, the so called complex dedications were examined. Besides, the cults, which were deeply rooted in the area of Kielce provostry and Radom deanery and considerably affected the stagnation in numerous sacral objects’ invocations, were taken into consideration.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland kieleckadekanat radomskihistoriaokres przedrozbiorowyadministracja kościelnaKościółhistoria Kościołabadaniaźródła historyczneświęty patronkościołyołtarzekult świętychświęciKielce provostryRadom deaneryhistorypre-partition periodChurch administrationChurchChurch historyresearchhistorical sourcespatron saintchurchesaltarscult of saintssaintskultcultPatrocinia w prepozyturze kieleckiej i dekanatu radomskiego w okresie przedrozbiorowymDedications in Kielce Provostry and Radom Deanery in the Pre-partition PeriodArticle