Przygoda, Wiesław2023-06-262023-06-262010Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2010, T. 2 (57), s. 25-38.2081-1829 translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tomasz Pałkowski.When announcing the encyclical Deus Caritas Est on December 25, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI added momentum to the discussion of the essence and unique nature of the Church’s charity work. In the discussion of such work, among others, P.J. Cordes’ voice is not to be ignored, not only due to the high position he holds (President of the Papal Council “Cor Unum”) but also his influential publications on charity theology, especially his latest book entitled: Helfer fallen nicht vom Himmel. Caritas und Spiritualität (Eng. Those who give help do not descend from heaven. Caritas and spirituality). In Cardinal’s view, nowadays institutionalized charity work demands an insight into political, economic, sanitary, anthropological and administrative spheres as well as practical skills proved by appropriate certificates. All of this is important and necessary, yet insufficient from the perspective of the charity organizations of the Catholic Church. Only a shift from the legal paradigm to the one of faith will permit a deeper insight into human poverty. Therefore, professionalization of the forms and means should be accompanied by a greater concern for spiritual formation of people who are either professionally or voluntarily involved in the charity mission of the Church.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłość bliźniegodziałalność charytatywnaformacja charytatywnaduchowość caritasPaul Josef CordesBenedykt XVIpapieżekardynałowiekapłaniduchowieństwoposługa charytatywna KościołaKościółdiaconialove of neighbourcharitable workcharity formationcaritas spiritualityBenedict XVIpopescardinalsclergypriesthoodChurch’s charity serviceChurchformacjaformationJoseph RatzingerSpecyfika posługi charytatywnej Kościoła w ujęciu kard. Paula Josefa CordesaThe Unique Character of Charity Work of the Church According to Cardinal Paul Josef CordesArticle