Parysiewicz, Beata2023-12-062023-12-062006Roczniki Teologiczne, 2006, T. 53, z. 6, s. 187-198.1233-1457 tabele. Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The author tackles the problem of conditions for forming a marital community. In the theoretical part of the article she characterizes marriage in the light of the sociological theory of social exchange, the psychological theory of transactional analysis and marital communication, and as a theological category, communio personarum. This characterization serves distinguishing the basic abilities that the persons who want to form and develop a marital community must have. In the empirical part young people’s personal background for forming a marital community are presented. The data was obtained from a review conducted in single persons at the age of 19-20, and in marriages at the stage of “no children yet” The author argues that a lack of proper value hierarchy as well as ignorance of the communication rules and rules governing inter-human relationships in the light of the presented scientific theories may render it impossible to form a marital community.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandólnotateoria wymiany społecznejanaliza transakcyjnakomunikacjakomunikacja małżeńskamałżeństwowspólnota małżeńskaduszpasterstwoduszpasterstwo rodzinrodzinasocjologiaspołeczeństwocommunitytheory of social exchangetransaction analysiscommunicationmarital communicationwartościvaluesmarriagemarital communityministrypastoral care for familiesfamilysociologysocietyZdolność do budowania wspólnoty małżeńskiej w świetle badań Katedry Duszpasterstwa RodzinThe Ability to Form a Marriage Community in the Light of the Research Conducted by the Ministry of Families DepartmentArticle