Podhorecki, Norbert2022-10-182022-10-182011Premislia Christiana, 2010-2011, T. 14, s. 123-139.0867-308http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/1527Prelate Dr. Jan Rąb (1919-1989), a canon of Collegiate Chapter in Brzozów was the first parish priest in Iwonicz-Zdrój (in the years 1957-1989). The text presents his scientific work and cultural activity as a theologian, historian and humanist. It allows us to show him as a person with broad horizons, interests and the magnitude of the achievements. As a theologian he managed to connect the research work with pastorał activity. As a historian he was interested in the past of the local Church, where he worked as a parish priest, but also in the culture, ethnography and geographical and environmental conditions of the region. His scientific work was characterized by excellent methodical workshop and persistent search for historical truth. As a true humanist and a person of versatile interests, he had the gift of deep and synthetic thinking, promoting both the nobility and humanity in his environment.plAttribution 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/pl/kapłaniduchowieństwohumaniścihistoriateologiateolodzyteologowieJan RąbEucharystiasakramentyprawdaźródła historycznearchiwafilozofiaPrelate Jan RąbCollegiate Chapter of the Transfiguration in BrzozówIwonicz-ZdrójclergypriesthoodhumanistshistorytheologytheologiansEucharistsacramentstruthhistorical sourcesarchivesphilosophyKapituła kolegiacka w BrzozowieBazylika kolegiacka Przemienienia Pańskiego w BrzozowieprałaciprelatesKs. Jan Rąb - teolog, historyk, humanistaFr Jan Rąb ‒ a Theologian, Historian, HumanistArticle